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530 Judgment starts with the house of God
SECTION 1: ESTABLISH THE STANDARD. What is our life? What is our purpose is it to please Yehovah or man? Does that standard change from Old to New testament with Yeshua’s coming?
SECTION 2: JUDGMENT. 1Pe 4:17 For the time has come for the judgment to begin. It begins with the household of God; and if it starts with us, what will the outcome be for those who are disobeying God's Good News? — What does Kefa mean? Is this for us now?
SECTION 3: SCALES. The amazing word and how it all fits together. How the old and the New Testaments are one book. To see the fulfillment of the seals of revelation when understanding the Prophet Yirmeyahu. Understand the Mozen so you can grasp the hand writing on the wall
1Pe 4:17 For the time has come for the judgment to begin. It begins with the household of God; and if it starts with us, what will the outcome be for those who are disobeying God's Good News? —
D’varim 30:15-20
Deu 30:20 loving Yehovah your Elohim, paying attention to what he says and clinging to him - for that is the purpose of your life! On this depends the length of time you will live in the land Adonai swore he would give to your ancestors Avraham, Yitz'chak and Ya`akov."
Deu 30:19
H2425 חיי châyay BDB Definition: 1) to live, have life, remain alive, sustain life, live prosperously, live forever, be quickened, be alive, be restored to life or health
Deu 30:15
Yochanan 10:27-30
Joh 10:30 I and the Father are one.
Hebrews 12:3-7
Heb 12:6 For Adonai disciplines those he loves and whips everyone he accepts as a son."
Discipline G3811 παιδεύω paideuō Thayer Definition: 1) to train children 2) to be instructed or taught or learn 3) to cause one to learn 4) to chastise 5) to chastise or castigate with words, to correct 6) to chastise with blows, to scourge
Mishlei 3:11-13
Pro 3:11 My son, don't despise Adonai's discipline or resent his reproof;
Pro 3:12 for Adonai corrects those he loves like a father who delights in his son. Pro 3:13 Happy the person who finds wisdom, the person who acquires understanding;
1Kefa 4:1-17
1Pe 4:17 For the time has come for the judgment to begin. It begins with the household of God; and if it starts with us, what will the outcome be for those who are disobeying God's Good News? —
Gal 3:26-29
Gal 3:28 there is neither Jew nor Gentile, neither slave nor freeman, neither male nor female; for in union with the Messiah Yeshua, you are all one.
Gal 3:29
Gal 3:26
1Pe 4:17
Mat 15:1-9
Mat 15:3 He answered, "Indeed, why do you break the command of God by your tradition?
Mat 15:6
1Kefa 4:1-17
1Pe 4:17 For the time has come for the judgment to begin. It begins with the household of God; and if it starts with us, what will the outcome be for those who are disobeying God's Good News? —
1Pe 4:3 -4
1Pe 4:16
Act 15:19 "Therefore, my opinion is that we should not put obstacles in the way of the Goyim who are turning to God.
Act 15:20 Instead, we should write them a letter telling them to abstain from things polluted by idols, from fornication, from what is strangled and from blood.
This contradicts Yeshua’s words
Mat 5:17 "Don't think that I have come to abolish the Torah or the Prophets. I have come not to abolish but to complete.
Mat 5:18 Yes indeed! I tell you that until heaven and earth pass away, not so much as a yud ( י ) or a stroke will pass from the Torah — not until everything that must happen has happened.
Mat 15:8 'These people honor me with their lips, but their hearts are far away from me.
Yesha’yahu 29:1-14
Isa 29:9 If you make yourselves stupid, you will stay stupid! If you blind yourselves, you will stay blind! You are drunk, but not from wine; you are staggering, but not from strong liquor.
Isa 29:10 For Adonai has poured over you a spirit of lethargy; he has closed your eyes (that is, the prophets) and covered your heads (that is, the seers).
Isa 29:11-12
Isa 29:13
Isa 29:14
Mat 24:1-22
Mat 24:3 When he was sitting on the Mount of Olives, the talmidim came to him privately. "Tell us," they said, "when will these things happen? And what will be the sign that you are coming, and that the `olam hazeh is ending?"
Mat 24:14
Mat 24:21
Mat 24:9
Mat 24:12
Jer 25:1-33
Jer 25:4 Moreover, Adonai sent you all his servants the prophets — again, on numerous occasions — but you didn't listen or pay attention.
Jer 25:5
Jer 25:32 -33
Rev 6:1-8
Rev 6:8 I looked, and there in front of me was a pallid, sickly-looking horse. Its rider's name was Death, and Sh'ol followed behind him. They were given authority to kill one-quarter of the world by war, by famine, by plagues and with the wild animals of the earth.
Rev 6:2
Rev 6:4
Rev 6:5
Daniel 5:17-28
Dan 5:19 Because of the greatness he gave him, all the peoples, nations and languages trembled with fear before him. Anyone he wanted to, he put to death; anyone he wanted to, he kept alive; anyone he wanted to, he advanced; and anyone he wanted to, he humbled.
Dan 5:20 But when he grew proud and his spirit became hard, he began treating people arrogantly, so he was deposed from his royal throne, and his glory was taken away from him.
Dan 5:27 'T'kel' — you are weighed on the balance-scale and come up short.
A instrument for weighing Mozen (Scale)
H3977 מאזן (Aramaic) mô'zên BDB Definition: 1) scale, balance
Vayikra 19:30-37
Lev 19:36 Rather, use an honest balance-scale, honest weights, an honest bushel dry-measure and an honest gallon liquid-measure; I am Adonai your God, who brought you out of the land of Egypt.
Iyob 31:1-6
Job 31:6 then let me be weighed on an honest scale, so that God will know my integrity.
Mishlei 11:1-4
Pro 11:1 False scales are an abomination to Adonai, but accurate weights please him.
Pro 11:3
Pro 20:23 Adonai detests a double standard in weights, and false scales are not good.
Amein & Amein!!!
Remember Yeshua the Messiah is the same Yesterday, Today and Forever.
He was and always will be a JEW!!!
"Jew & Gentile One in Messiah"
As it was in the beginning so it will be in the end-of-days
Bible Study Tuesday night 7PM