The City Gate Messianic Bible Study Psalm 119Part 014
Psa 119:12 Blessed are you,
Adonai! Teach me your laws.
Blessed are you…A prayer for instruction. I.
God is the source and fountain of all blessings.
Teach me, YEHOVAH, the way of YOUR statutes. This is the main prayer of the psalm—a prayer for spiritual enlightenment. It occurs eight times
(Psa_119:12, Psa_119:26,
Psa_119:33, Psa_119:64, Psa_119:68, Psa_119:108, Psa_119:124, and
KEY: How does this teach, convict, correct, train.
En inglés y español
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"Jew & Gentile One in Messiah"
As it was in the beginning so it will be in the end-of-days
Bible Study Tuesday night 7:30 PM