P142 Parash 38 Korach B’Midbar/ Numbers 16:1-18:32
Korach incites
a mutiny challenging Moses’
leadership and
the granting of the kehunah
to Aaron.
He is accompanied by Moses’ inveterate foes, Dathan
and Abiram. Joining
them are 250 distinguished members of the community, who offer the sacrosanct ketoret (incense)
to prove their worthiness for the priesthood. The earth
opens up and swallows the mutineers to Sh’ol, and a
fire consumes
the ketoret-offerers.
A subsequent plague is stopped by Aaron’s
offering of ketoret.
Aaron’s staff miraculously blossoms and brings forth
to prove that his designation as high
priest is
divinely ordained.
God commands
that a terumah (“uplifting”)
from each crop of grain, wine and oil, as well as all firstborn sheep and
cattle, and other specified gifts,
be given to the kohanim (priests). |