BGMCTV MESSIANIC LESSON 1021 It’s personal Bible verse: Luke 12:4-5 It is personal. SYNOPSIS: Did you know the word “you” is used over 14,400 times in the Bible? Today’s lesson is all about your individual walk with ELOHIM. Nobody but you can walk your walk with ELOHIM. Each person must remove the demons out of their own house. Each of us has to choose what must be removed from their own life according to the word. Ya’akov (Jas) 2:17 Thus, faith by itself, unaccompanied by actions, is dead. Question: are you dead? BIBLE VERSES: Luke 12:4-5 It is personal. Ya’akov (James) 2:14-26 Faith Without Works Is Dead. Mattiyahu (Mat) 12:43-45 the demons see you have no true faith. Luke 11:27-28 Far more blessed are those who hear the word of God and obey it
BGMC MESSIANIC LESSON 1020 Imprint the name of life Scripture: B’midbar (Num) 6:22-27 MY NAME imprinted on them. SYNOPSIS: What did YESHUA mean when HE said, HE is the living water? Can you drink living water? How can someone write on the tablet of there heart? Why was Aaron commanded to speak the name of YEHOVAH to bless all Israel? What is biblical imprinting? Can you make it or drink it? BIBLE VERSES: B’midbar (Num) 6:22-27 MY NAME imprinted on them. B’resheet (Gen) 1:1-5 HE said. Rev 3:9-12 persecuted for following the name. Mattiyahu (Mat) 23:37-39 who comes in the name. Romans 11:16-21 are you willing to change your name. D’varim (Deut) 6:4-7 start the day with this imprint. Proverbs 7:1-3 write them on the tablet of your heart. Yirmeyahu (Jer) 31:32 (33). Yochanan (Jn) 4:11-14 living water.
BGMCTV MESSIANIC LESSON 1019 They say no more sacrifices, the biblical meaning of sacrifice of thanks Bible: Mattiyahu (Mat) 24:32-35 this generation will pass away until. SYNOPSIS: If someone were to pay all your debt off, would you not thank them openly, loudly and publicly? People really need to read their bibles with open eyes. The body says there is no more need for sacrifices, is that true? What is a thanks offering or sacrifice? Psa 50:14 Offer thanksgiving as your sacrifice to God, pay your vows to the Most High. Should this sacrifice still be done today? BIBLE VERSES: Mattiyahu (Mat) 24:32-35 this generation will pass away until. Psalm 100:1-5 Enter his gates with thanksgiving. Sh’mot (Ex) 20:1-6 I, YEHOVAH your God, am a jealous God. Luke 7:40-48 Your large debt is payed, give thanks. Psalm 50:12-15 offer what.
BGMCTV MESSIANIC LESSON 1018 counting the cost, the incredible cost for worshipping in spirit and truth Bible verse: Luke 14:25-33 Count the cost SYNOPSIS: What would you do to live in a place that the bible was the rule book for the community? When America was a colony there were to groups one group community was founded on the Bible the other was on business. Today’s lesson is going to show how YEHOVAH blesses those willing to do everything possible to live their lives according to HIS word. We are going to study the biblical meaning of counting the cost. We will ask ourselves is it worth so much earthly loss? We will study why YESHUA taught first about hating your family, then building a costly tower, then war with others. Finally why did almost half of the Pilgrims die that first winter? BIBLE VERSES: Luke 14:25-33 Count the cost. Yeshayahu (Isa) 56:1-8 these people were willing to give it all away. 2nd Corinthians 6:17-18 SEPARATE. Yochanan (Jn) 4:21-24 in spirit and truth.
BGMCTV MESSIANIC LESSON 1017 WHAT IS TRUTH…FAITHFULNESS IS Bible: Yochanan (Jn) 18:33-38 What is truth? SYNOPSIS: In the world we live in today, most everyone has their own truth. From politics to so sad even religion everyone has their own truth. The gentile Governor Pilot even said to YESHUA after being told what was truth, he said “what is truth.” Today we are going to study biblical, Kingdom truth. How does faithfulness and truth go hand in hand? How does that faithfulness play into if you get a room at the FATHER’S HOUSE? BIBLE VERSES: Yochanan (Jn) 18:33-38 What is truth. Mattiyahu (Mat) 28:18-20 how many gentiles was this said to. Yochanan (Jn) 14:1-6 you know the way there if you are faithful. LOFR B’resheet 24:23-27 truth and faithfulness go hand in hand. Luke 12:42-46 ELOHIM will not put you in charge if you are not keeping HIS days. Psalm 119:142-144 your Torah is truth. Psalm 119:157-160 I look at traitors with disgust. Mattiyahu (Mat) 5:18 last forever. Galatians 5:22-23 what is a fruit. 1 Tim 6:10-12 pursue the truth.
BGMCTV MESSIANIC LESSON 1016 WILL HE LET YOU INTO HIS HOUSE…ARE YOU PREPARING BIBLE: Mattiyahu (Mat) 20:25-28 YESHUA has many titles and jobs. SYNOPSIS: I had a sign on my office door in NJ that said this; “have you read MY book? There will be a test…GOD. YESHUA has been preparing HIS FATHER’S house for a very long time. For those who are themselves preparing for HIS return. A question: are you really prepared for the test? Does everyone get into heaven? The answer is no. who get excluded and why? Is it good enough to just say I know who MESSIAH is? The evil one can say that. Let me ask a second question are you a gold crown or crown of thorns on HIS head? BIBLE VERSES: Mattiyahu (Mat) 20:25-28 YESHUA has many titles and jobs. Mark 2:18-20 if YESHUA is the bridegroom, then we are the bride. Yochanan (Jn) 14:1-4 I go to prepare a place for my bride. Proverbs 12:4 are you a headache or a crown. Proverbs 18:21-22 have you won the favor. Proverbs 19:14 flesh verses the spirit, what gets into heaven. Revelation 21:9 The servant, the bride, the wife.
HEBREW ROOTS - Biblical Bible School
Lean about Yehovah's HOLY DAYS there not Jesus' their Jewish anyone...who says you don't have to celebrate Yehovah's Holy Days is listening to satan and not a follower of Messiah's own personal example STREAMING
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