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1004 Are we a people without a prophetic vision


Scripture: Proverbs 28:15-18 without a prophetic vision.

 SYNOPSIS: Have we become a people without a prophetic vision? What does it mean to have this vision? What if you do not have it, what happens next? If a nation does not have this vision, does wickedness flourish like never before? Have the heart of this nation become dull to the truth of the WORD? So with our ears we barely hear, and with our eyes they have closed? Have we thrown off all restraint and given ourselves over to evil? For YEHOVAH has a grievance against the inhabitants of the land: there is no truth, no faithful love or knowledge of God in the your land; only swearing and lying, killing and stealing and committing adultery! They break all bounds, with one blood crime following another. Was this written 2700 years ago or in the NY Times this week?

BIBLE VERSES USED IN THIS LESSON: Proverbs 28:15-18 without a prophetic vision. Mattiyahu (Mat) 13:14-15 ears they barely hear, and their eyes they have closed. Hosea 4:1-14 Because you forgot the Torah of your God, I will also forget your children. 1ST Melachim (Kings) 14:7-9 you have committed more evil than anyone before you! Proverbs 28:15-18 without a prophetic vision. Hosea 4:1-14. Revelation 22:10-11 let him go on acting wickedly. Luke 11:27-28 Does MESSIAH agree with YEHOVAH?  Yochanan (Jn) 14:21-23 If someone loves me, he will keep my word. Ya’akov (James) 1:23-25 a doer of the work it requires. Romans 14:5-6 who cares what day it is.



Proverbs 28:15-18 without a prophetic vision.

Pro 29:18  Without a prophetic vision, the people throw off all restraint; but he who keeps Torah is happy. 


VISION: H2377 חזון châzôn BDB Definition: 1) vision 2) vision, oracle, prophecy (divine communication)




Mattiyahu (Mat) 13:14-15 ears they barely hear, and their eyes they have closed.

Mat 13:14  That is, in them is fulfilled the prophecy of Yesha`yahu which says, 'You will keep on hearing but never understand, and keep on seeing but never perceive,

Mat 13:15  because the heart of this people has become dull with their ears they barely hear, and their eyes they have closed, so as not to see with their eyes, hear with their ears, understand with their heart, and do t'shuvah, so that I could heal them.' 


Mat 13:15 


Pro 29:18  Without a prophetic vision, the people throw off all restraint; but he who keeps Torah is happy. 


VISION: H2377 חזון châzôn BDB Definition: 1) vision 2) vision, oracle, prophecy (divine communication)




Hosea 4:1-14 Because you forgot the Torah of your God, I will also forget your children.

Hos 4:6  My people are destroyed for want of knowledge. Because you rejected knowledge, I will also reject you as cohen for me. Because you forgot the Torah of your God, I will also forget your children. 


Hos 4:1-2


FAITHFUL/FAITHFULNESS: H571 אמת 'emeth BDB Definition: 1) firmness, faithfulness, truth 2) sureness, reliability, stability 3) of divine instruction 4) truth as a body of ethical or religious knowledge 5) true doctrine




Pro 29:18 




Hos 4:1-2




Pro 29:18 


THROW OFF ALL RESTRAINT/UNRESTRAINED: H6544 פּרע pâra‛ BDB Definition: 1) let loose, ignore, let alone 2) to cause to refrain 3) to show lack of restraint 4) to let loose restraints




1ST Melachim (Kings) 14:7-9 you have committed more evil than anyone before you! 

1Ki 14:7  Go, tell Yarov`am (Jeroboam) that this is what YEHOVAH says: 'I raised you up from among the people, made you prince over my people Isra'el,

1Ki 14:8  tore the kingdom away from the dynasty of David and gave it to you. In spite of this, you have not been like my servant David, who obeyed my mitzvot and followed me with all his heart, so that he could do only what I regarded as right.

1Ki 14:9  Rather, you have committed more evil than anyone before you! You went and made other gods for yourself and images of cast metal to make me angry, but me you shoved behind your back! 


Ref. 1 Kings 15:25-26…and in his sin wherewith he made Israel to sin.


Ref. 1 Kings 16:30…And Ahab the son of Omri did evil in the sight of the LORD above all that were before him.


Pro 29:18 


THROW OFF ALL RESTRAINT/UNRESTRAINED: 4) to let loose restraints




Hos 4:6 -7


Ref. Deu 30:20  loving YEHOVAH your God, paying attention to what he says and clinging to him—for that is the purpose of your life! On this depends the length of time you will live in the land YEHOVAH swore he would give to your ancestors Avraham, Yitz'chak and Ya`akov."


SHAME: H7036 קלון qâlôn BDB Definition: shame, disgrace, dishonor, ignominy (dishonor, humiliation, mortification)


Hos 4:11-12


WHORING/HARLOTRY: H2183 זנוּן zânûn BDB Definition: adultery, fornication, prostitution




Pro 29:18 




Hos 4:13 -14


Revelation 22:10-11 let him go on acting wickedly.

Rev 22:10  Then he said to me, "Don't seal up the words of the prophecy in this book, because the time of their fulfillment is near.

Rev 22:11  "Whoever keeps acting wickedly, let him go on acting wickedly; whoever is filthy, let him go on being made filthy. "Also, whoever is righteous, let him go on doing what is righteous; and whoever is holy, let him go on being made holy." 


Pro 29:18 


HAPPY: H835 אשׁר 'esher BDB Definition: happiness, blessedness




Luke 11:27-28 Does MESSIAH agree with YEHOVAH?

Luk 11:27  As Yeshua was saying these things, a woman in the crowd raised her voice to call out, "How blessed is the mother that gave birth to you and nursed you from her breast!"

Luk 11:28  But he said, "Far more blessed are those who hear the word of God and obey it!" 


Yochanan (Jn) 14:21-23 If someone loves me, he will keep my word.

Joh 14:21  Whoever has my commands and keeps them is the one who loves me, and the one who loves me will be loved by my Father, and I will love him and reveal myself to him."

Joh 14:22  Y'hudah (not the one from K'riot) said to him, "What has happened, Lord, that you are about to reveal yourself to us and not to the world?"

Joh 14:23  Yeshua answered him, "If someone loves me, he will keep my word; and my Father will love him, and we will come to him and make our home with him. 


Ya’akov (James) 1:23-25 a doer of the work it requires.

Jas 1:25  But if a person looks closely into the perfect Torah, which gives freedom, and continues, becoming not a forgetful hearer but a doer of the work it requires, then he will be blessed in what he does. 


FREEDOM/LIBERTY: G1657 ἐλευθερία eleutheria Thayer Definition: true liberty is living as we should not as we please




Romans 14:5-6 who cares what day it is.

Rom 14:5  One person considers some days more holy than others, while someone else regards them as being all alike. What is important is for each to be fully convinced in his own mind.

Rom 14:6  He who observes a day as special does so to honor the Lord. Also he who eats anything, eats to honor the Lord, since he gives thanks to God; likewise the abstainer abstains to honor the Lord, and he too gives thanks to God. 


Rom 14:6 


Jas 1:25 


Pro 29:15  The rod and rebuke give wisdom, but a child left to himself brings shame on his mother.

Pro 29:16 When the wicked flourish, wrongdoing flourishes; but the righteous will witness their downfall. Pro 29:17 Discipline your son, and he will give you rest; yes, he will be your delight.

Pro 29:18  Without a prophetic vision, the people throw off all restraint; but he who keeps Torah is happy. 


Pro 29:15 

Pro 29:16


Pro 29:17

Pro 29:18 



Remember Yeshua the Messiah is the same Yesterday, Today and Forever.

He was and always will be a JEW!!!

"Jew & Gentile One in Messiah"

As it was in the beginning so it will be in the end-of-days


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800 West 3rd Ave. Lexington, NC 27292










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