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BIBLE VERSE: Mattiyahu (Mat) 10:24-25 It is enough for a talmid that he become like his rabbi.


SYNOPSIS: Luk 22:1 But the festival of Matzah, known as Pesach, was approaching. What is wrong with this verse? What does it tell you about what was going on in Israel 2000 years ago? Mat 10:25 It is enough for a talmid that he become like his rabbi, and a slave like his master. Is this a statement or a question from MESSIAH YESHUA? Today in our lesson we are going to explore this very topic. As the holy days approach you need to meditate and ask yourself, with real truth, who’s talmid (disciple) am I? Also what does this have to do with ELOHIM calling most of you thieves?


BIBLE VERSES: Mattiyahu (Mat) 10:24-25 It is enough for a talmid that he become like his rabbi. Mal'akhi (Mal) 3:6 I do not change. Yochanan (Jn) 19:30 what does this mean. Romans 14:5-6 as long as it is good for me GOD will understand. Mattiyahu (Mat) 10:32-33 if you keep it a secret it is as good as a lie. Vayikra (Lev) 23:23-27 what is the name of these two holy days. Mal'akhi (Mal) 3:1-4 as in the days of old. Luke 22:1 what does the say, is that Torah. Vayikra (Lev) 23:4-7 Who’s holy days and are called what. Mal'akhi (Mal) 3:3-10. D’varim (Deut) 29:18-19 can ELOHIM hear your thoughts.  


BIBLE VERSES: Mattiyahu (Mat) 10:24-25 It is enough for a talmid that he become like his rabbi.

Mat 10:24  "A talmid is not greater than his rabbi, a slave is not greater than his master. Mat 10:25  It is enough for a talmid that he become like his rabbi, and a slave like his master. Now if people have called the head of the house Ba`al-Zibbul, how much more will they malign the members of his household! 


Mal'akhi (Mal) 3:6 I do not change

Mal 3:6  "But because I, YEHOVAH, do not change, you sons of Ya`akov will not be destroyed. 


ref. Num 23:19 "EL is not a human who lies or a mortal who changes his mind. When he says something, he will do it; when he makes a promise, he will fulfill it. 


And also in 1 Sam 15:29




Yochanan (Jn) 19:30 what does this mean.

Joh 19:30  After Yeshua had taken the wine, he said, "It is accomplished!" And, letting his head droop, he delivered up his spirit. 


ACCOMPLISHED/FINISHED: G5055 τελέω teleō  Thayer Definition:  to bring to a close, to finish, to end


Romans 14:5-6 as long as it is good for me GOD will understand.

Rom 14:5  One person regards one day above another, another regards every day alike. Each person must be fully convinced in his own mind. Rom 14:6  He who observes the day, observes it for the Lord, and he who eats, does so for the Lord, for he gives thanks to God; and he who eats not, for the Lord he does not eat, and gives thanks to God. 


Ref. Gen 2:3  God blessed the seventh day and separated it as holy; because on that day God rested from all his work which he had created, so that it itself could produce. 


Ref. Exo 20:8  ד "Remember the day, Shabbat, to set it apart for God. 




Mattiyahu (Mat) 10:32-33 if you keep it a secret it is as good as alie.

Mat 10:32  "Whoever acknowledges me in the presence of others I will also acknowledge in the presence of my Father in heaven. Mat 10:33  But whoever disowns me before others I will disown before my Father in heaven. 


Vayikra (Lev) 23:23-27 what is the name of these two holy days.

Lev 23:23  YEHOVAH said to Moshe, Lev 23:24  "Tell the people of Isra'el, 'In the seventh month, the first of the month is to be for you a day of complete rest for remembering, a holy convocation announced with blasts on the shofar. Lev 23:25  Do not do any kind of ordinary work, and bring an offering made by fire to YEHOVAH.' " Lev 23:26  YEHOVAH said to Moshe, Lev 23:27  "The tenth day of this seventh month is Yom-Kippur; you are to have a holy convocation, you are to deny yourselves


"Jewish tradition believes that Adam was created on this day (Mishnah, San Hedrin 38b).


Rom 14:5-6


Mal 3:6 


CHANGE: H8132 שׁנא shânâ' BDB Definition: to change, alter


Mal'akhi (Mal) 3:1-4 as in the days of old.

Mal 3:1  "Look! I am sending my messenger to clear the way before me; and the Lord, whom you seek, will suddenly come to his temple. Yes, the messenger of the covenant, in whom you take such delight—look! Here he comes," says YEHOVAH-Tzva'ot. Mal 3:2  But who can endure the day when he comes? Who can stand when he appears? For he will be like a refiner's fire, like the soapmaker's lye. Mal 3:3  He will sit, testing and purifying the silver; he will purify the sons of Levi, refining them like gold and silver, so that they can bring offerings to YEHOVAH uprightly. Mal 3:4  Then the offering of Y'hudah and Yerushalayim will be pleasing to YEHOVAH, as it was in the days of old, as in years gone by. 


Mal 3:1 





Luke 22:1 what does the say, is that Torah.

Luk 22:1  But the festival of Matzah, known as Pesach, was approaching; 




Vayikra (Lev) 23:4-7 Who’s holy days and are called what.

Lev 23:4  " 'These are the designated times of YEHOVAH, the holy convocations you are to proclaim at their designated times. 


Lev 23:5-6


Luke 22:1 what does the say, is that Torah.

Luk 22:1  But the festival of Matzah, known as Pesach, was approaching; 


Mal 3:1 

Mal 3:2 


ENDURE: H3557 כּוּל kûl BDB Definition: 1) to seize, contain, measure 2) to sustain, maintain, contain 3) to support, endure, to sustain, endure


REFINER’S FIRE: H6884 צרף tsâraph BDB Definition: 1) to smelt, refine, test 2) to test 3) to test (and prove true)


Mal 3:2 

Mal 3:3 


PURIFY/PURIFYING: H2891 טהר ṭâhêr BDB Definition: 1) to be clean, be pure 2) to be clean (physically - of disease) 3) to be clean ceremonially 4) to purify, be clean morally, made clean

4) to purify, be clean morally, made clean


Mal 3:5 

Mal 3:8-10

Mal 3:8 




D’varim (Deut) 29:18-19 can ELOHIM hear your thoughts.


Deu 29:18  If there is such a person, when he hears the words of this curse, he will bless himself secretly, saying to himself, 'I will be all right, even though I will stubbornly keep doing whatever I feel like doing; so that I, although "dry," [sinful,] will be added to the "watered" [righteous].' Deu 29:19  But YEHOVAH will not forgive him. Rather, the anger and jealousy of YEHOVAH will blaze up against that person. Every curse written in this book will be upon him. YEHOVAH will blot out his name from under heaven. 


Mal 3:5 

Mal 3:8 

Mal 3:13-15

Mal 3:16-19

Mal 3:16 

Mal 3:17 

Mal 3:18 

Mal 3:19 


Ref. Rev 16:8  The fourth one poured out his bowl on the sun, and it was permitted to burn people with fire. Rev 16:9  People were burned by the intense heat; yet they cursed the name of God, who had the authority over these plagues, instead of turning from their sins to give him glory. 


Mal 3:6 





Remember Yeshua the Messiah is the same Yesterday, Today and Forever.

He was and always will be a JEW!!!

"Jew & Gentile One in Messiah"

As it was in the beginning so it will be in the end-of-days


We meet on the Lord's Day "Saturday"

Every Saturday at 11 AM for Messianic Worship & The Word

Bible Study Tuesday night 7:30 PM

800 West 3rd Ave. Lexington, NC 27292










Messianic rabbi Andrew

rebbitzen Kelly


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