P020 The Ashes from Beth Goyim on Vimeo.

P020 The Ashes
Exo 9:8 Adonai said to Moshe and Aharon, "Take handfuls of ashes from a kiln, and let Moshe throw them in the air before Pharaoh's eyes.
Exo 9:9 They will turn into fine dust over all the land of Egypt and become infected sores on men and animals throughout Egypt."
Exo 9:10 So they took ashes from a kiln, stood in front of Pharaoh and threw them in the air; and they became infected sores on men and animals.

The 6 plague was Ashes Sh'cheen, Boils! 6 is also the number of man in Hebrew. The sixth wonder was manifested against the bodies of men. The plague of shechiyn , translated "boils", may hide something more terrible. The root means "burning and the same word can be translated as leprosy, and as the Egyptian botch, which was declared to be incurable.
Among the gods to which cures would have been ascribed were Thoth, the ibis-headed god of intelligence and medical learning, and Apis, Serapis and Imhotep, this is what the sixth plague was against. Here even the magicians did not escape and could not carry on their priestly functions. It was their custom to take the ashes of human sacrifices and cast them into the air. Borne by the wind over the milling populace, they were viewed as a blessing.
How does this tie together with Yeshua’s first miracle, turning water into wine at the wedding in Kanah? How does this Exodus plague tie together with the washing of the Cohen in the Book of Numbers. How does all of this tie together with Revelation chapter 16? Take the time to watch or listen to P020 “The Ashes”.





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