"The Star"


"Hear the Warning"

When did the "Star of David" come into existence? Is it a Messianic sign? Does it have more significance than you can even imagine? 

See what

Dr. Mark Filippone 

has to say.

Item Name: The Star
Item Number: star
Price: $14.95
Item Name: The Star - y español
Item Number: star y español
Price: $14.95


Send check or Money order to

Beth Goyim

PO BOX 1091

Bloomfield, NJ 07003

(973) 338-7800

Preview "The Star"

Love the Jewish people or see what happened to those who did not!!!

Take a journey through history from the time of Egypt through Rome to the Inquisition, Nazism and finally at Armageddon. 

Lead people to the Lord.

Item Name: Hear the warning
Item Number: HTW
Price: $14.95


Send check or Money order to

Beth Goyim

PO BOX 1091

Bloomfield, NJ 07003

(973) 338-7800

Preview "Hear the Warning"



Music video's


We meet on the Lord's Day...Shabbat "Saturday the seventh day"

Every Saturday at 11 AM for Messianic Worship & The Word

Bible Study Tuesday night 7PM


We’ll be looking to see you this week at:

20-26 Industrial Ave. 2nd floor (there is an elevator)

Fairview, NJ 07022

 FREE parking


Statement of our Faith

This week's message

The Remnant's Call TV show The Remnant's Call Radio show


Holy days

Messianic Torah Time (Bible Study) About us/Bio Charts Upcoming Events Videotracts Service times & Directions

Aaronic Blessing

Messianic rabbi Andrew

rebbitzen Kelly


If you have a computer with internet access. It does not matter if it is High speed or dial-up you can be part of Beth Goyim Messianic Congregation. Download InSpeak FREE!!!

 Paltalk    or   InSpeak

At 7:15PM EST we will be having an interactive Messianic Torah Time Bible Study. Every Tuesday Evening

At 11:45 AM EST every Shabbat/Saturday we will be broadcasting the Message from the service live. There are only 350 Messianic Congregations in the USA. We know that there are a lot of people seeking the truth and can’t get to those Messianic Congregations. Come and be Part of the Remnant at Beth Goyim Messianic Congregation from near and now from FAR away.

Click on the link above and be part of The Way, The Truth and His Way of Life.

once you have your FREE inSpeak account login and go to groups...Sensitive: Messianic Believers and click on Beth Goyim Messianic Congregation. It is that SIMPLE

Beth Goyim Messianic Congregation is a 501C3 not for profit organization

Beth Goyim Messianic Congregation is like the first congregation/church at Antioch. Jew and Gentile one in Messiah. So it was in the beginning so shall it be in the end. Knowing Yeshua (Jesus) the Messiah is not about religion it is about faith.

Learn about your Heritage. Yeshua “Jesus” is the same always and He never stopped being a Jew. Come and get back what Hasatan “satan” has stolen from you. If you are saved you are engrafted into the Hebrew Olive Tree. Come to Beth Goyim and see things from the original “Jewish” perspective.



John 3 and The Name Videotracts have been awarded "The Communicator Award"

Beth Goyim Messianic Congregation

PO Box 1091, Bloomfield, NJ 07003

(973) 338-7800

"The award winning team"